reviews from Goodreads

Dark Saga by Christine Feehan

Edge of Darkness (includes: Dark Saga, #27; Wings in the Night: Reborn, #1.5)Edge of Darkness by Christine Feehan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Only read the Christine Feehan story. For some reason, I no longer enjoy these stories as much as I used to. I like the world that was created but I have gotten tired of the way that these Carpathians treat their women. I understand that they are desperate but it skews too uncomfortably close to subjugation to me. These males can use their voice to hypnotise the women and force them under their will. The excuse that women can also ‘see’ into the male’s mind and understand their reason just doesn’t cut it for me. The male hypnotises the woman to stay by their side, avoid other males and then binds them together psychically! If a relationship starts like that, how can they ever be regarded as equals? No wonder it was so easy to destroy the Carpathian race in the first place. Despite all that I will continue to read this series because other than the male/female relationships, I am invested in the battle of the Carpathians and vampires. I want to see how it will end.

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