Distraction, Informal

Daily Prompt: Fortune

via Daily Prompt: Fortune

Every Christmas season, we are prompted to give to the needy and the less fortunate. The ‘less fortunate’, of course referring to those who have less than you. I am fortunate that I live in a middle-class family, have a job and no major spending responsibilities. I have a healthy body. Both my parents are still alive and can take care of me. I am the eldest so I get more privileges. All this contributes to my ‘fortune’. Therefore, this Christmas season, I should definitely make more of an effort to think of the less fortunate. There are the wars happening in Asia and Africa leading to mass evacuations. There are people who are terminally ill and cannot afford proper health care. There are also terminally ill people for whom there is no cure. Violence leading to murder is taking place everywhere even in my country. So this Christmas season, I will give thanks to God for my fortune in life.


P.S. It may be that my parents intended for me to have all this fortune because they named me ‘Saidah’ which means ‘happy and fortunate’.

Distraction, Informal

Time Does Fly

via Daily Prompt: Vanish

Today is the fifth of December, 2016. In sixteen days, the year will end. Quite a number of things happened to me this year. I officially graduated from my Master’s programme. I got my first real job as a librarian. I celebrated being born a quarter century ago. And now the end of the year is coming up. That’s not all. I can still remember being a high school student. Twenty was a long way away. I enjoyed being a child. (I was one of those who considered even the teenage years part of childhood). Now I am an adult- legally and physically. I can vote and have voted. I can drink (but I don’t because alcohol tastes nasty). I can learn how to drive (but I don’t want to because I have younger brothers who are perfectly ‘willing’ to drop me wherever I want). *Muahahaha*- Eldest sibling privilege. *sigh* Time really does fly. Yet, I wouldn’t want to go backward. I have gained a lot of things now that I am older and I will experience lots of new things as I grow older. Time moving forward allows me to learn more and grow wiser. And it makes memories so much sweeter when you can look back like this.


Who Said ‘The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword’?

Interesting Literature

‘The pen is mightier than the sword’. The phrase has the ring of proverb about it, and most proverbs don’t have an author: they’re anonymous nuggets of wisdom handed down from generation to generation, part of an oral rather than written tradition. But we can actually trace ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’ to a clear source – at least, in a sense.

The phrase came about in 1839 when it was invented by a nineteenth-century writer named Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), in a play about Cardinal Richelieu. Bulwer-Lytton was himself a fascinating figure who would also gain notoriety for inventing the most laughably clichéd opening line in all of literature, as we revealed in a post on five fascinating facts about him. He would also inspire the name of the drink known as Bovril, as well as being offered the throne of Greece – quite an eventful life…

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10 Interesting Facts about Famous Writers at School

I just read some of F. Scott’s Fitzgerald’s short stories. I totally agree with his statement.

Interesting Literature

Fun facts about the schooldays of well-known authors and other literary types

September is the ‘back to school’ month, so to take the edge off that inevitable sinking feeling, we’ve put together ten great facts about the schooldays of famous writers. Some authors have been teachers, but all have been schoolchildren at some point. Here’s our pick of the best facts about writers at school. We’ve included a link on some authors’ names to previous interesting posts we’ve written about them.

Samuel Johnson had only three pupils enrol at the school he opened in his hometown of Lichfield in the 1730s. However, one of those three pupils was the actor David Garrick, who later followed Johnson to London to seek his fortune.

Samuel Johnson’s 1755 Dictionary of the English Language defined the word ‘pedant’ as a ‘schoolmaster’. (More facts about Johnson’s Dictionaryhere.)

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Brave New World

“Brave New World” is written by Aldous Huxley. It is a futuristic novel where everyone is under the control of the World State except for the malcontent and the Savages. The plot follows several characters but it is mainly a description of the world that they live in. The descriptions that Mr. Huxley uses confounds me sometimes. On the first page there is this one:

“Cold for all the summer beyond the panes, for all the tropical heat of the room itself, a harsh thin light glared through the windows, hungrily seeking some draped lay figure, some pallid shape of academic goose-flesh, but finding only the glass and nickel and bleakly shining porcelain of a laboratory.”

What did this mean? It took me three read-overs to figure out that the room looked lifeless and cold even though it was summer outside and the temperature inside the room was hot. Part of my incomprehension may be the fact that this was written in the last century when maybe even my grandparents weren’t born yet or were little babies. It was the same when I read the Jane Austen novels and Jane Eyre. Some words and phrases were unknown to me or were hard to understand unless I took the time to think about it.

Then there was chapter III. It alternated between different viewpoints and ended up separating the different dialogues from different conversations as well as the descriptions. It was confusing to read. I had to go back several times to make sure I had the correct thread. Come to think about it, it is almost like a conversation on instant chat- like the one I had on WhatsApp with my brother and sister. We ended up having two or three conversations simultaneously because you would answer one question and have another thought but the other person would answer to the previous reply and then continue with a response to the other thought.

Anyway, Aldous Huxley was a British author so the main story takes place in London which is still called London. In fact, many of the wards and boroughs are still referred to the same names as they have now (or as they had then). The landscape is different, though.

The Society of the World State is segregated very strictly using the letters of the Greek alphabet. I won’t list them here because I don’t know the order but it starts from Alpha and there are six or seven levels. It seemed like that in the novel. Anyway, naturally all the Alphas presented are white but in the lower level, whites, blacks and Asians were presented (deformed of course). The lower levels consists of the manual labourers. It is the job of the higher castes to keep them in line. There is hardly any violence. The world is kept in line through chemicals and subliminal learning. Class consciousness is ingrained in them very early but all strong emotions are balanced by activities and chemicals.

I think this is a horrible world. The one Savage presented in the novel with a name was actually an offspring from the ‘civilised’ world. So he was really a half-breed. He grew part of both worlds so he didn’t really fit in either. So his ending was really sad. He just ran away from it all. There was nowhere for him to go. At least he wasn’t allowed to go. So he left.

The conversation he had with the World Controller was interesting, though. I will not reproduce it here. Copyright probably won’t allow me. It was in chapter XVII. I will reproduce two quotes that the World Controller starts off with, the first is by Cardinal Newman and the second is by Maine de Biran, I think.

We are not our own any more than what we possess is our own. We did not make ourselves, we cannot be supreme over ourselves. We are not our own masters. We are God’s property. Is it not our happiness thus to view the matter? Is it any happiness, or any comfort, to consider that we are our own? It may be thought so by the young and prosperous. These may think it a great thing to have everything, as they suppose, their own way- to depend on no one- to have to think of nothing out of sight, to be without the irksomeness of continual acknowledgement, continual prayer, continual reference of what they do to the will of another.But as time goes on, they, as all men, will find that independence was not made for man- that it is an unnatural state- will do for a while, but will not carry us on safely to the end…”

“A man grows old; he feels in himself that radical sense of weakness, of listlessness, of discomfort, which accompanies the advantage of age; and, feeling thus, imagines himself merely sick, lulling his fears with the notion that this distressing condition is due to some particular cause, from which, as from an illness, he hopes to recover. Vain imaginings! That sickness is old age; and a horrible disease it is. They say that it is fear of death and of what comes after death that makes men turn to religion as they advance in years. But my own experience has given me the conviction that, quite apart from any such terrors or imaginings, the religious sentiment tends to develop as we grow older; to develop because, as the passions grow calm, as the fancy and sensibilities are less excited and less excitable, our reason becomes less troubled in its working, less obscured by the images, desires and distractions, in which it used to be absorbed; whereupon God emerges as from behind a cloud; our soul feels, sees, turns towards the source of all light; turns naturally and inevitably; for now that all that gave to the world of sensations its life and charm has begun to leak away from us, now that phenomenal existence is no more bolstered up by impressions from within or from without, we feel the need to lean on something that abides, something that will never play us false- a reality, an absolute and everlasting truth. Yes, we inevitably turn to God; for this religious sentiment is of its nature so pure, so delightful to the soul that experiences it, that it makes up to us for all our other losses.”

The conversation between the Savage and the World Controller afterwards was to argue the point, “we have managed to produce artificially what these men talked about, why do we need God?” The Savage put forth the point that humans need to live with both ups and downs; the WCon , that humans need only stability. In the end, they both stuck to their own viewpoints.



Library Wars

Declaration of Library Freedom


  1. Libraries have the right to gather materials freely.
  2. Libraries have the right to make materials freely available.
  3. Libraries protect the privacy of their users.
  4. Libraries oppose all censorship.


When the freedom of the library is violated, we librarians will unite and fight to the end to protect its freedom.


In Japan, these are the main points of a document that guides policy-making for libraries. Hiro Arikawa has taken these guidelines and created a dystopian future where they were made into laws to counteract a law that gives the government censorship powers that are unheard of in a democracy. Library Wars is the first book and the overall title for a four-book series by Hiro Arikawa. In this future, the Media Improvement Act was passed to allow the Media Improvement Committee, through the Special Improvement Agency to seize and destroy material that contain derogatory, discriminatory and forbidden speech. The constitution of Japan, of course protects a citizen’s right to freedom of expression but this law managed to slip through a loophole. Citizens are still free to express themselves. The material containing forbidden and taboo words are just not allowed to be distributed to the public. This law is vigorously enforced.

As one of the libraries’ duties is to oppose censorship, even ex post facto censorship, a counter law was passed that allowed the libraries to retain its duty to gather materials regardless of obstruction by the Special Improvement Agency. In the book, as the Special Improvement Agency and its supporters turned to weapons to prevent the distribution of forbidden materials, the Library Force was created to combat them. The series follows the protagonist, Iku Kasahara as she moves up the ranks in the Library Force.

This series is not yet licensed in English at least for the novels. There is a manga series which has been translated into English and is published by Viz. There is also an anime series with a film as well as a live-action film.


Jumping on the Bandwagon

My classmate Dom has changed the title and tagline of his blog so I have decided to follow suit. In the last blog post that I wrote last year, I stated that I would continue writing blog posts. Well, here’s a new one. I admit I have been lax with blogging but I have a new resolution for this year. I have resolved to be disciplined and accomplish all the work I am supposed to be doing in a timely fashion. That is why I noticed Dom’s new blog post and immediately started this post. Right now, I am reading up on the new modules for this year. Yesterday, we had two lectures, Digital Libraries by Lyn Robinson and Information Resources and Organisation by David Bawden. I am excited about these topics. Yesterday many new ideas concerning my dissertation popped into my head. I haven’t written them down yet. That’s next on my agenda.
